Don't lose your edges to your LACE FRONT WIG!
Don't lose your edges to your LACE FRONT WIG!

For many of us wearing wigs can be a time saver, a way of protecting our natural hair or a saving grace because some health situations that have effected our hair. No matter the reason, we opt to wear a wig it's our Business!. Over the years the construction and styling of wigs have changed. Many of us have decided to start wearing lace front wigs to have an even more realistic appearance when wearing our wigs.
The ability to make the lace on the lace front wigs almost disappear can be somewhat of an artform. To achieve this look, many opt to use adhesives such as Bold Hold or Ghost Bond to secure the wig properly. If an adhesive/glue isn’t ideal situation, individuals have opted to use products such as Got 2 Be glued which is actually a gel product but when it is heated it will become tacky to the touch. No matter, what type of product you choose to use to secure your wig just be careful when removing it!
Wig Removal
The hairs along your hairline known by many as your “edges” can be VERY fragile. For some, their “edges” can easily come out but rather difficult to get them to regrow. It’s imperative to take care of your edges. If you are opting to wear lace front wigs and using adhesive products to secure them. Please be extra careful with removing your wigs. Here are a few steps.
- Use Alcohol
Apply alcohol to a cotton ball. The saturated cotton ball should be used to dab along the hairline this will cause the adhesive agent to gradually loosen. You should allow the alcohol to remain on the lace for at least 5 minutes before attempting to remove the wig. If you feel any type of pain or discomfort when removing the wig, STOP! You should dab more alcohol along the hairline. When removing the wig, it should easily life up. If you still are unable to remove the wig safe, please seek professional assistance.
- Adhesive Remover
Apply a solvent such as Salon Pro 30 Second Hair Bond Remover, to a cotton ball. The saturated cotton ball should be used to dab along the hairline this will cause the adhesive agent to gradually loosen. If you feel any type of pain or discomfort when gently removing the wig, STOP! If you are unable to get the wig lace to gradually lift, please seek professional assistance.
Once you have been able to remove the wig, you should treat your edges. It may be ideal to use a deep conditioner or hot oil treatment if not your entire head at least your hairline. In addition, it would be a good idea to give you hairline a break in between hairstyles to help prevent breakage.